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Help Us Out

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the HEART.


~ Elizabeth Andrews, Habitat for Humanity


Our ongoing bi-annual Rummage sales are a long standing community effort of service, fellowship and outreach. We provide the opportunity for the community to purchase good quality, serviceable used merchandise at reasonable prices. We facilitate connections with local peninsula based non-profit organizations that help our partners succeed with their charitable goals. We also provide financial support to St Paul's Episcopal Church, Burlingame.


Our sales wouldn't be possible without all of our valued volunteers who help us out.  People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to give their time during our Rummage Sales.  We especially welcome members of youth groups who want to earn community service hours. We also welcome volunteers to help us ahead of the actual sales. We need a hour or two of time, on Donation Saturdays to help sort donations, also for Sale set-up before, and take down after the Rummage Sales. You don't need to be a member of St Paul's or The Circle to step up to help.


All are welcome to participate in a common mission, enjoying the social benefits of community while sharing your time and talents. Our Rummage sales offer all types of community service hours.


Want to know more about how to help us help others by helping with setting up, taking donations, sales, clearing up, or just want to learn more about helping or joining the Circle, email us at Circlerummage, or contact President Susan Group at Susan Group or (650) 348-4811, extension 3. Your call will be answered  as promptly as possible.


Find more information on St Paul's at St Paul's Episcopal Church


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